Oktober/October 2017
NWKV Nuusbrief 55 / NWGA Newsletter 55

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Watter veebestuursaksies moet in Oktober uitgevoer word? 

Oktober is dikwels ’n moeilike maand vanweë voedingstoestande op die veld. Die swak toestande word vererger deur die droogte wat tans in die Oos-Kaap, Noord-Kaap en Wes-Kaap heers. Boere moet nou begin aandag gee aan daardie ooie wat gepaar gaan word, veral in die somerreënvalgebiede waar reën in Oktober verwag word. Dr. Louis du Pisani het hieroor met Algoa FM gesels. Die onderhoud is aanlyn in twee dele beskikbaar:


Mpumalanga se wol- en vleisboere byeen
Gedurende September het Mpumalanga se NWKV en RPO kragte saamgesnoer om wol- en vleiskaapboere van inligting te bedien sodat hulle staande kan bly in ’n kwynende landbou-omgewing. Streeksvergaderings is op Wakkerstroom, Standerton, Ermelo en Carolina gehou, en daar was ’n positiewe opkoms van 72 boere. Die alombekende dr. Faffa Malan het as gasspreker opgetree en dieresiektes en biosekuriteit bespreek.
Lees die volledige storie
Arbeiders baat by kursus op Vrede

’n Skaaphanteringskursus is op Vrede aangebied en deur 28 deelnemers bygewoon. Produksie-adviseur Bom Louw het die halfdagkursus op aanvraag van 12 Oos-Vrystaatse boere aangebied en aspekte van diere se gesondheid, hantering en sielkunde behandel. Hy het ook hanteringsfasiliteite, skeerhokdissipline en besoedeling bespreek.

Hierdie  opleidingsgeleentheid maak deel uit van die Responsible Wool Standard (RWS), ’n vrywillige, internasionale sertifiseringstelsel waarvolgens boere aan verskeie kriteria vir die welsyn van hulle skape moet voldoen. Hulle moet ook beste praktyke toepas in die bestuur en beskerming van die grond waarop diere wei.
Youth benefit from short courses

Aspiring young farmers from Ikhala Tvet College were recently trained in sheep handling and selection in Lady Frere in the Eastern Cape. The training course, conducted by NWGA production advisers Monde Danga, Nosiphiwo Salmani and Sibusiso Ndwanya, was held at a house close to the Queen Nonesi campus. The 75 students were curious about health issues affecting the sheep and wool classing.

Although no wool was available to demonstrate proper wool classing, the N4 farming management students were expected to handle the sheep in groups of five. They were also shown how to select rams and ewes. As the subject of wool-classing standards is part of the curriculum, the students were able to assess and understand practical aspects of the training.

The production advisory services contract performed by the National Wool Growers’ Association (NWGA) makes provision for training and mentorship in communal areas with the objective of enhancing the farming skills of the producers. This includes presenting short courses per region every year.

The Free State has the highest number of wool producers
Some 9 469 South African wool producers are currently registered with Cape Wools SA (CWSA), according to the latest statistics released by CWSA. The Free State has the highest number of commercial wool producers, followed by the Eastern Cape and the Western Cape.

The Free State boasts 2 557 commercial producers and the highest wool-producing districts are Frankfort, Vrede, Smithfield and Harrismith.

There are 1 766 commercial producers in the Eastern Cape (excluding the former Transkei and Ciskei) and the largest wool-producing districts are Barkly East, Cradock and Maclear.

For stats on other provinces, read the full story

Katastrofedekking vir wolskape goedkoper vir NWKV-lede 

Die NWKV se katastrofedekkingspolis is nou uitgebrei om voorsiening te maak vir groter dekking, waar dit voorheen beperk was tot net R1 miljoen per enkele gebeurtenis. Verhoogde perke is nou beskikbaar teen bekostigbare premies. Daar is drie dekkingsopsies wat strek vanaf R1,1 miljoen tot R3,3 miljoen per gebeurtenis. 
Vir volledige inligting kliek hier

NWGA vice-chairperson part of Agri SA structure

The NWGA national vice-chairperson responsible for communal development, Sipiwo Makinana, has been elected to serve as a director on Agri SA’s Commodity Chamber.

A leaner and more functional organisational framework within Agri SA provides for three chambers, each with three serving directors. General Affairs, the commodity and corporate chambers fall under the president, deputy presidents and executive director to manage the centres of excellence dealing with commercial and trade, natural resources, agricultural development, rural safety and labour and development.

The wool growers of South Africa, as well as the national management of the NWGA, congratulate Makinana on this new position and look forward to his valued contributions to organised agriculture.

Woolled Sheep Development Programme: how can you benefit?

The link below is for an isiXhosa radio interview on SABC (TruFM) with Lawrence Maduna, Eastern Cape NWGA vice-chairperson responsible for communal wool farmers. He talks about the functions of the NWGA and how the organisation assists farmers by promoting profitable wool sheep production. Maduna also educates listeners on the different uses of wool. He attends to the challenges of communal wool sheep farmers and elaborates on the objectives of the Woolled Sheep Development Programme and how to get involved in it:

Seleksie van vervangingsooie: beste bestuurspraktyke

Dit is ’n bekende en belangrike praktyk in veeboerdery om elke jaar ongeveer 25% tot 30% van die ooikudde met jongooie te vervang en wel om die volgende redes:

1. Hierdie praktyk handhaaf die ooikudde se gemiddelde ouderdom.
2. Dit vervang ouer diere wie se produksie en reproduksievermoë begin daal.
3. Dit verbeter die kudde se gehalte voortdurend.

Lees die artikel deur Gawie van Wyk, NWKV se produksie-adviseur in die Noord-Kaap:

Graad 10-leerlinge by Porterville leer oor skeer

Die vak Landboubestuur het nuwe kleur aangeneem toe graad 10-leerlinge van die Hoërskool Porterville ’n skeerdemonstrasie by die skool waargeneem het. Die 19 skoliere is touwys gemaak deur NWKV-skeerinstrukteur Themba Khoza en moes sélf die skeermasjien gebruik om die wol van die skaap se rug te skeer.

Plot du Toit van die Tygerhoek-proefplaas het die jonges meer oor wol- en dierehantering vertel. Hulle moes toe die vaardigheid self toets deur wol te hanteer en vagte op die tafel uit te gooi.

Die NWKV is opgewonde oor die toekoms van jong skeerders en wolklassers in Suid-Afrika, aangesien hierdie beroepe talle werksgeleenthede skep. Met nagenoeg 15 miljoen skape wat jaarliks in Suid-Afrika geskeer moet word, bly dit die bedryf se verantwoordelikheid om te verseker dat daar genoeg opgeleide skeerders in die land is.

Lees ’n artikel deur Izak Klopper wat in Wolboer/Wool Farmer verskyn het: 


Predation specialist Niel Viljoen recounts his adventures during a study tour to the US recently. The newsletter also lists the activities that were monitored by the Predation Management Information Centre (PMiC) in October. The Predation Management Manual teaches farmers how to apply integrated predation management, and there is also information on a systems-thinking analysis of predator conflict management on selected South African farms by Tim Snow. Link: http://www.pmfsa.co.za/images/news/PMF_Okt2017.pdf

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